
Into the future

These past couple days, and especially during break, college and future careers have been continuously on my mind. It started with scheduling when to take the SATs and ACTs which lead to what colleges to apply to... that ultimately lead to the question of what career to pursue.
Thinking about careers has made me realize that I have such a wide range of interests. I suppose studying psychology would be fun, especially children’s psychology and how brains learn. I am also considering molecular biology so I can help with the human genome project. Economics has also caught my after beginning to read about current events in middle school and taking Civics and Economics.
After a while, I recognized that the more important question was what kind of impact I want to make in the world with my life. Do I want to save lives directly as a doctor? Do I want to teach others the joy of learning as a professor? Or do I want to do research and develop the modern world as a scientist? I believe this is a much harder question to answer. This gives me a perspective on not only my future jobs and schooling that I have to go through, but what kind of person I want to be and where I want to set my morals.

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