I just got back from helping out with the school’s Discovery Day. Discovery Day is one of three days when all NCSSM applicants come on campus to tour the campus. to take a math and writing test and also to learn more information about the school. Senior leaders from Admissions, called Student Ambassadors, coordinate this day but any junior can come to help. I, wanting to be a future Student Ambassador, decided to help.
Last night I had lain in bed thinking about my Discovery Day last year, but today was a completely different experience. Last year I remember being extremely nervous. I was worried about the test I would have to take, the campus being large and confusing, and the questions I would have to strain to make up to ask the current students. This year, I was conversely very excited.
I started out my morning at 6:15, got ready, and stood out in the parking lot. Yes, outside. While outside, about 60 other juniors and I followed NCSSM tradition. Each morning of Discovery Day and any open houses, junior students go out and welcome every guest. "Welcome to Science and Math! Have a nice day!" So this morning we did the same. When I should have felt tired and cold, I felt anxious to meet the sophomores, and yes I was freezing, but that channeled into a positive energy and made me smile at each person walking by.
After everyone came in and registered, we held up colored sheets of paper with our group letters and lead our groups to each of their sessions. This may sound like a boring job, but while walking around campus with letters about our heads, we had many conversations with eager parents and edgy students. We answered questions about cafeteria food, workloads, and many other aspects of NCSSM life. I felt the sense of admiration from the visitors and at first this made me feel uncomfortable, but eventually I decided to let this feeling to serve as an award and compliment for my hard work and did my best to be friendly and welcoming and helpful for the students and parents.
Now I am absolutely exhausted. The word exhausted and developed a completely new meaning after this day. But I also feel regenerated and proud to be an NCSSM student. One student told me that she wanted to get into the school because she wanted to be with other students who were eager to learn but was also nervous because the school was so prestigious. I had heard all this from many people before I came here, but I actually understood what this meant today. I learned to be more thankful of the events that have happened in my life, and of all of the people who are supporting me. Today was not only a learning day for the applicants, but a learning and reflecting day for me as well.